I really like #7! Can you make something come out of the computer screen? Can you also have the blue arrow turn purple at the bottom and then arch upward over the Automated Solution name?
Hello. Love the changes (#9). Can you take one of the purple circles out and connect the one that is left? I don't need the arrow if you have to take it out.
Thank you! Can you take the PT out of the Monitor and Stack it on top of "Automated Solutions". Replace the PT with something on the computer screen, but nothing too busy. Thank you THANK YOU! :)
Thank you for all your hard work. I think I'm going to go with #29. I don't want the logo to be too busy. Can I see one last version without the buildings before I decide on which one of your logos to choose?
Hello :) Sorry for late reply, i was outside the town yesterday. But now i will prepare all the files that you need, and provide the RGB and HEX colors code.