Proud LabelLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Proud Label

Proud Label has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 158 designs from 24 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Logo Designer
dear CH,
Please give your feedback.
Thank you

(This comment references Entry #34)
14 years ago
Hello Sir!

Both very unique/original and interesting concepts. Especially #34, which is different from most of the other submissions. Can you tell me about what is happening inside of our O? How does this symbolize PRIDE to you?

I like the idea, but it confuses me - and if it confuses me, it will definitely confuse our users, and that is a no-no! :) I do like the concept, so I hope to see something more done with it.

#35 also is pretty nice looking. Very clean, and professional. But a little plain, and perhaps slightly too colorful. I like how you have the bars setup though, so maybe play with the colors a little bit? The fonts looks good.

One thing I am asking all of the designers is: Can you try making a few original designs, completely from scratch? Just go wild! If this was YOUR company, and your project, how would you convey PRIDE? Pride in yourself, pride in who you are... I'm looking for someone to completely blow me away with the thought "This is better than I could have imagined." I think you are capable of this, so I look forward to seeing more from you :)

14 years ago
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