Thank you for your excellent submissions! I like both #3 and #4, they are both very close to what I envisioned this to be.
#2 looks a little too plain to me - can you try making the O a globe/earth by any chance?
I'd also like to see a few different font options - mostly because the 'LABEL' text looks a little too spread apart. Actually, the font for the main 'PROUD' text is almost perfect I'd say - if you could tweak it in different ways just to be able to compare it to something else, that would be great!
A few members of our team mentioned that this reminded them of the Pepsi logo as soon as they saw it. I personally don't see the resemblance, but if this makes sense, can you make this a little less pepsi-like? :)
I really like #5 as the bare-bones, universal logo. Can you try putting the country colors into the O for the country-specific ones, with that base font for #5? Would like to see how it looks.
Also, #6 and #7 both look very nice, but the colors from the 'LABEL' portion seem almost separate from the PROUD wording - not distance wise, just contrast wise. PROUD is all black/dark, and all of the color is below. It doesn't seem balanced, do you know what I mean?
Maybe you could either make it more colorful all around somehow (maybe even change the font color of the PROUD word to fit some countries?), or make it all black/mellow. I'm looking forward to seeing both of these ways.
Please continue using the Italy colors, they show very good contrast.
Thanks in advance for your excellent work so far! Lucas
One more thing about #5 - the lettering/emboss/gradient (whatever its called) looks a touch too 'animated'. Can you try to veer it towards being more 'professional' and 'high class' looking? Let's see how it looks!
One thing I am asking all of the designers is: Can you try making a few original designs, completely from scratch? Just go wild! If this was YOUR company, and your project, how would you convey PRIDE? Pride in yourself, pride in who you are... I'm looking for someone to completely blow me away with the thought "This is better than I could have imagined." I think you are capable of this, so I look forward to seeing more from you :)
Hi, I think that coarse look is caused by small resolution image. We, designer, only allowed to upload small resolution design and then they (logotournament) shrink the image size to save their storage. You dont have to worry, because the source file is very clean and sharp.
Thanks for the explanation of the course look! It helps a lot.
Your new concepts are a little too bright, too blue, and look a little too animated. I think out of all of the submissions, #40 may have the best lettering of the bunch, while you have the O the best of everyone! If only someone could combine the two!