Protect the UnbornLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Protect the Unborn

Protect the Unborn has selected their winning logo design.

For $325 they received 116 designs from 27 different designers from around the world.


Prefers others.
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Logo Designer
With this being such a controversial issue, I wanted to focus on life rather than death. So, I wanted to show a mother illustrated by pink with a young son illustrated in baby blue. Something simple. Its also a very important moment for a woman making this type of decision, so I wanted to show the life at the end of the decision...a protected child.

(This comment references Entry #1)
14 years ago
I really like the design - but the font feels like it doesn't quite fit - could you work something up with a bit different font? The design is perfect.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so much for the kind words. This is a second attempt with a different font. This font has a bit more script to and I believe compliments the contours of the image. If this isn't quite right, let me know and I am more than happy to go back to the drawing board.

(This comment references Entry #21)
14 years ago
Thank you for doing this - I like the new font. I am a little unsure now though - a coworker mentioned that the baby isn't in the womb. We still love the design but we are looking at it. Thanks.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for all your feedback. I went back and tried to build on the same design. I was having some trouble with this, I was thinking back to when my child was born and his eternal stretching. So, I used these shapes to place a stretching baby into the image.

(This comment references Entry #25)
14 years ago
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