Color Preferences
My logo is written in Gotham font and with the colors:
blue color - C-100, M-67, Y-0, K-7, RGB #01549B
Black color - C-0, M-0, Y-0, K-100, RGB #2B2A29
gray colr- C-0, M-0, Y-0, K-40, RGB #B2B3B3
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I would like graphics for “Build Scale Pivot” business solution. Small symbols to represent each of the three parts of the system.
Everyday, I help real estate entrepreneurs nationwide increase their business profits using my Build-Scale-Pivot System.
BUILD a rock-solid strategy for your real estate business.
SCALE it up to become a viable investment.
PIVOT to a more fulfilling path while living on the dividends of the investment you created.