Thank you for the speedy opening gambit, DonGato. There are now nine entries/variants, and your two are still the best start. I like both the natural, humanistic, hand-drawn vibe of the image and the strength and simplicity of the text... although I do feel that they are rather in conflict with each other. It took me too long to recognize the image as a bass - at first I thought an abstract image, then a lighthouse or crew boat, then a bass. Just seconds, but still an issue. I'm looking to make a strong, immediate impression. Likewise, the "p" in the text I find to be a bit too quirky - for me it distracts from the strength and simplicity of the word that I'd like the logo to convey. Not sure if I'd suggest reworking this or taking a different avenue. I suppose I'll know after I see more approaches. Thanks!
Got it, thanks. I will work up a few more concepts. BTW...I know exactly what you mean when people use musical notes and clefs in logos. G clefs sometimes backwards, Bass clefs...don't even wanna go there.
Wow, thanks for all the cool entries!! I very much like how you've revised the old graphic of #26 for the new ones #100 and #94. The reason why #22 is still in first place (and why #61, #66 and #56 rank so high) is because of the purity and strength of impact. Ah, I wish there were a way to use the bass graphic without sacrificing the beautiful simplicity of #22! best wishes, Anton
Thank you, DG. Your work is terrific. I understand that you can make things work on either background - thanks. Yours (#102) is my favorite non-wordmark at this point, and possibly my favorite wordmark too (#22). By the way, I like that you darkened the red color. My only additional thoughts I put in the contest discussion this morning. regards, Anton
Thank you for the new entries, DG. #100 is still my favorite--or perhaps #94 or #102 except that I don't like the #102 font as much. I just wish there were a way to keep the beautiful strength & cohesion of #22. I think the horizontal "proof" works better for that than the vertical proof of #100. But they all still distract me from the fundamental message. All but #22, that is!
I think #176 by Mahmur succeeds at it beautifully. But that one is too formal and feminine for my business. So does the "JazzMafia" example in my contest attachment file. But I'm not going for a mafia look. The secret to those seem to be integrating the type into the graphic or on top of the graphic. But most people's attempts at that in this contest have failed pretty badly.
You've been terrific and I understand if this is simply too much work. But I'm going to keep aiming for 100% and then see what I've got a couple days from now.
Thank you, DG. That has an interesting effect. Perhaps you could try out #203 (and even #100 and #94 as well) with the entire graphic in gray? best regards, Anton