Try to focus on blue, black and maroon for the colors as well so we have alternatives.
Still missing an icon or a pictoral mark to help people remember us by - you had a few examples before, not bad, but we need something better. Try to improvise #24, that was the best I have seen so far.
One question?....You said about fast and noble animals.... Any specific animal you got in mind....that you wanna relate with your logo?..Lemme know.. Regards
Our message: sincerity, professionalism, experience/expertise. Which animal fits this in your opinion? I don't know, any animal that is noble, sincere (not dangerous or adventurous), wise... Perhaps owl? Perhaps not :)
Tried to show an abstract agile bird indicating speed, power and aiming towards something. Also for entry #38, abstract owl containing letter P and g. Regards
#102 looks very nice. Try to keep the same width for the words PRONET and GAMING so the logo is a square. What did you try to communicate with the icon (keyhole)?