I am very pleased with your design, as you can tell from my rankings. I'm pretty well set on what is now number one. I would like to see an alternative with a slight color variation. For a while I was torn between the blue/green combination and the blue/lighter blue. As you moved the lighter color a bit towards teal, that became my choice. What I would be interested in is seeing that lighter color even more towards teal. I'm not sure if the link will work, but check this out
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.spectrumglass.com/stained-glass/img/products/baroque/BRTEAL.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.spectrumglass.com/stained-glass/products/product-detail.asp?i%3D214&h=432&w=432&sz=60&tbnid=94dxgJPk1pzCfM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=90&zoom=1&usg=__cszdT7AAkrX46qhtJpHZQhiiY4U=&docid=RYwclNFDkUIYGM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=STjwUNDjHomQiQL_moHoBw&ved=0CEsQ9QEwAg&dur=150That is likely a bit TOO string, but interesting idea.
Please send a message after you've been able to work with this.
BTW, where do you live in Istanbul? Asia side, Europe side? I've been there several times.