I thank you all for the fantastic job!
A general comment about colors before I get to my favourites of the moment: to my taste there's too much black in the lettering, could we try some grey or others?
#21 - # 20: very very good idea as it joins both concepts of travel (the globe) and bike, I like the "emotional" content you were able to give, I see here the "joy" of travelling, I would like to see colors in the lettering but the bike... should feel more similar to a road bike, a tourism bike (i.e. not a "vespa"!)
#7 - beautiful design, I like the idea of dynamism but I think it doesn't convey the idea of travel, moreover the bike feels like a mere race bike to be taken on track...
#13 - this wonderful idea in my opinion lacks colors and a bit of dynamism, for example shadows, an idea of tarmac or wind, or maybe a different perspective?
#18 - another wonderful idea, could we see a bike somewhere?
#16 - I like this job, but I can't find the idea of an "on the road" travel and both the bike and its position remind a mere offroad kind of activity.
#12 - some controversial reactions on your fine job! the negatives first: everything looks a bit too heavy and loud, reminding maybe too much of travels in the western US only. Now the positives: I like very very much the shadow of the rider on a blue sky, can we see him better?