Hello Ilkay,
My friends and colleagues agree that designs
#118 and
#105 are among their favorites. Unfortunately, most did not see
#126 before they voted. I really like having the document outside the gear, so I'd love to see some more versions with that option.
Would you please create the following?
For both
#117 and
#119, remove the document from inside the gear. Make the document larger (as in
#126) but have it to the right side of the gear.
Please send versions with different sizes and colors of the document (blue with white lines, white with blue lines, red with white lines, white with blue lines). Also, I'd like to see a version with a red gear and blue globe inside it.
I've been advised to "keep it simple" which to me is the greatest challenge.
One of your designs will be the winner! I look forward to seeing what you create next...
Thank you!
Maureen Archer