Thank you for these interesting designs. Could I see a few modifications? I would appreciate seeing the following:
- the white arrows going in the opposite direction: precision to confidence to success. The progression needs to stop at success. - inside the blue gear, could you put a document image?
Wow-- I like many of your designs! Thank you for these.
At your earliest convenience, would you please send the following merging of two designs?
- Starting with #88, keep the red gear with the white words and the "Professional English" layout but remove the white circle and items from inside the red gear. - From #83, take the items inside the red gear and place them inside the red gear of #88 (the large white speech bubble with the blue gear inside) - Inside the blue gear, please remove the smaller white speech bubble and replace it with a document image (straight not slanted). Also, please make it a normal document (not a speech bubble one).
Please make these modifications as soon as you can because I believe this combined design will be in the top three!
Wow-- I like many of your designs! Thank you for these.
At your earliest convenience, would you please send the following merging of two designs?
- Starting with #88, keep the red gear with the white words and the "Professional English" layout but remove the white circle and items from inside the red gear. - From #83, take the items inside the red gear and place them inside the red gear of #88 (the large white speech bubble with the blue gear inside) - Inside the blue gear, please remove the smaller white speech bubble and replace it with a document image (straight not slanted). Also, please make it a normal document (not a speech bubble one).
Please make these modifications as soon as you can because I believe this combined design will be in the top three!
Thank you for your latest updates; however, I am liking #104 and #107 better because they are a bit simpler.
Would you please make a few modifications so I can choose the best version?
- For both #104 and #107, remove the top gears and change the wording to match that used in the design I have ranked 5th (where the slogan is under "Professional English) - For #104, please remove the speech bubble "tail" from the document image (just have it a regular document, as in #107) - For #104, please show me one version with the map in red and the document in blue
Thank you for the new logo design #126. You have created so many good designs that I am finding it hard to decide on just one (which is a good thing!).
Our situation is that there was a problem when some of my friends tried to rank their favorites on the "Friends Feedback" site. I have told LogoTournament about the glitch, but I have also asked my friends to send me their rankings through email. This means that I will not make a final decision until tomorrow (technically the last day of the contest).
I will see if I can extend the contest until Monday. In any case, would you be willing to make small changes to the top choice if needed during this weekend?
Of course. It is very important to me to make my you 100% pleased. Don't worry about the final decision. I can continue making revisions as you like after the contest ends. Thank you for the feedback.
My friends and colleagues agree that designs #116, #117, #118 and #105 are among their favorites. Unfortunately, most did not see #126 before they voted. I really like having the document outside the gear, so I'd love to see some more versions with that option.
Would you please create the following?
For both #117 and #119, remove the document from inside the gear. Make the document larger (as in #126) but have it to the right side of the gear.
Please send versions with different sizes and colors of the document (blue with white lines, white with blue lines, red with white lines, white with blue lines). Also, I'd like to see a version with a red gear and blue globe inside it.
I've been advised to "keep it simple" which to me is the greatest challenge.
One of your designs will be the winner! I look forward to seeing what you create next...
#129 won!!! Thank you again for all of your wonderful designs. I am eager to use #129 to update my website and use on all our marketing materials. It is beautiful and communicates exactly what I had hoped!
I look forward to receiving the logo when you are able to send it. Also, is it possible to receive the blue document and the red gear/globe as two additional images? I ask because it would be great to use these "pieces" of the logo in different places throughout my website. Is it okay to receive the whole logo, as well as individual parts of the logo? Please let me know if this is possible.