ProClimbLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / ProClimb
ProClimb has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 248 designs
from 53 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
Professional Grade Climbing Gear
What We Do
A brand of climbing and fall protection gear.
Color Preferences
The logo can be green or blue but should still translate well in all black and/or white as it will be etched/engraved/lasered onto out metal products. It will also be used in trade show displays and catalogs.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
since the logo will be lasered onto metal products, simplicity is key. A design that is too detailed won't translate well onto metal. Use of the first letters sounds like something we'd like but would also like to see other ideas.
PLEASE NOTE: The winner of this contest MAY also be asked to design logos for our two other product lines SwageRight and DuraBrite. More on that when the winner is chosen.
PLEASE NOTE: The winner of this contest MAY also be asked to design logos for our two other product lines SwageRight and DuraBrite. More on that when the winner is chosen.