ProActive Heart and VascularLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / ProActive Heart and Vascular ProActive Heart and Vascular has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 96 designs from 12 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client hannahgnelson United States What We Do A Cardiology and Vascular Medicine practice offering complete Cardiology care from disease prevention to angioplasties and stents including circulation issues and vein disease, including cosmetic vein procedures. Industry Medical Color Preferences some deep red, open to others as well Our Ideas & Additional Information blood vessels, heart as a symbol with a stent embedded in the name of the company Themes ModernRefinedSecure Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st sue giacoman Withdrawn 2nd grafixsphere Withdrawn 3rd enzyme Withdrawn 4th sue giacoman Withdrawn 5th grafixsphere Withdrawn 6th sue giacoman Withdrawn 7th sue giacoman Withdrawn 8th sue giacoman Withdrawn 9th sue giacoman Withdrawn 10th sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New BusinessBuilders Withdrawn New jekson Withdrawn New jekson Withdrawn New jekson Withdrawn New jekson Withdrawn New jekson Withdrawn New danoeadjie Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New MightyBeaver Withdrawn New MightyBeaver Withdrawn New BusinessBuilders Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New La.Cynn Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New candela Withdrawn New Uta Withdrawn New Uta Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New panji Withdrawn New Tere Withdrawn New Tere Withdrawn New Tere Withdrawn New enzyme Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New grafixsphere 1 2 1 2 Next > Discussion hannahgnelson Client # miuch better....can you change the color red of the vessel (the letter i) to match the color of the rest of the word...also the horizontal alignment of the letters and the image appears slightly off to me still...thanks 12 years ago hannahgnelson Client We like #90. But, can we just see one more idea just to be sure- what would it look like to have the "i" in ProActive a script font versus just the regular, just to see if it stands out better. Other than that, I think this could work. 12 years ago