Pro Impact Soccer AcademyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Pro Impact Soccer Academy

Pro Impact Soccer Academy has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 103 designs from 11 different designers from around the world.


Really like #7...
Love the colors and the elegant style...

Would like to see what Believe Work Achieve looks like across the bottom.

As well as the soccer ball replaced with some kind of symbol representing IMPACT (Animal, Symbol, Machine etc...)

Also if we can take away the points at the top of the shield...

Other than that great work and really like the concept!

Thank you!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I will design a few different ideas and submit them.

Thank you for your interest.
12 years ago
Thanks for the submit. I spoke with my partner and asked for his input as well so I have a couple more additions that perhaps you can take into consideration. We do like your #7 entry, and appreciate the entry with the bear. Although we dont think a bear quite signifies what we are looking for. We did come across a stencil type of Lion that we thought was quite interesting from a side profile of the lions face. So if you could attempt a few different pictures, not necessarily even just an animal. I did mention i liked the colors you used as well, but would like to see possibly see an alternative color scheme for comparison sake. Lastly, after removing the points from the top of the shield, we came up with the idea to maybe making it look like a crown on top of the logo. In entry #7 there are three points on top of the shield which sort of resembles a crown. So if you can make an adjustment to that as well with another point or whatever it takes to create a crown effect we would greatly appreciate it.

Just to reiterate from the previous message, please move the scroll with "believe work achieve" to the bottom to see how that looks.

We are also going to upload a few photos of crests that we like and think would be worth altering to make unique to our company. We do like symmetry in the logo, and would like people to recognize our crest if we were to take or name from our logo. Thanks again
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the input. I will work on that this evening.
12 years ago
Really like the Lion in this Logo great work! We would like to see it in some more colors if thats ok with you.

One thing that came to mind was the gradience of the logo and how it would look on a shirt if you know anything about that to give me some insight that'd be great. Will it print well on cards and shirts?

Keep your ideas coming...we def like your work... If you can also design anything with abbreviation PISA we would be grateful to take a look!

Thank you for all your work! Your truly talented! Look forward to seeing if you come up with other designs as well!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I have had a little experience with screen printing. It should print just fine.

I can work on some other designs with the PISA. I will try and get them uploaded before the deadline.

Thanks again for the interest.
12 years ago
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