The color selection on #32 is better, but don't be afraid to try new colors or different shades. As an emblem, #32 is a good start. I think it is too generic. I want to stay away from a specific ball, and definitely not a basketball. Can you develop #32 a little?
#48 looks really good. I have a few ideas for changes though. Can you do a version of it without using any color fades? You can probably keep the subtle star burst that is on the field, but just flatten the colors to solid. Also, I don't love the collegiate style font on #48. Can you use the typeface from #49 instead? Also, don't forget to make it "sports" instead of "sport." Also, on #48, instead of stars, can you do the horizontal lines like in #51?
Regarding #57, we really like the idea of the "T" inside of the "P," but something with that one isn't working. Maybe its too blocky or something. WI also don't like the arrow from the "P" to the "R." Entry #49 looks fine in that regard.
As for colors, could you swap out the orange for a light blue? I like the light blue and darker gray color combination. Maybe something similar to this color: #24A9E2? (I assume you can use a hex color code.)
I like #94. Can we take the banner out from behind "sports" and make "sports" smaller? The white font would then be directly on the gray field. After you do that, can you take this new logo and change the colors to the same as #65?
1) Take the blue outline of the shield out. 2) Move PrimeTime Sports down on the shield and possible make it smaller. 3) Shorten the lines above and below PrimeTime to end where the shield begins.
(I would like these done on three separate entries please.)
I don't think you understood what I wanted on #101. Move the PrimeTime Sports portion down. It will still be over the shield, just lower.
Also, can you take #100, change the field to green, and the "time" to green. Then can you take #100, change the field to green, and find another good option for the other color. We are thinking that the field needs to be green.