#29 When it's on a white background the silver looks like its more of a grey, is there anyway to make the silver stand out more in the white background
Just a suggestion, not sure if it will work, for #29, can we have a little black behind the logo so the gold n silver stands out like glossy. I'm thinking a block of black would not work for my letterheads, great for business cards only
I like the colors which stands out much better in #35 How will it look with clear background. I m worried about using as letterhead and it seems to look weird with background
#61 #62 sorry for long respond Sylvia.. here they are, i make the tagline has a same width with the main text... check this first. hope this will be the designs as u wish :)
its because the color for the logo its self has a bright color ( gold and silver ), i must add some effect to make it more like real gold and silver, so it must be bright color for them.. so when it was on a black background it will be more shinny n brighter, like a real gold and silver color... then when the background color change into a white/plain (white = bright) so it will be feel fuzzy. even it has exactly same designs in different background color :)
do u mean.. how to pick up your winner in this contest Sylvia?? i'm designer here, i dont know about the detailed :)
as i know, u can choose which one best or which one designs that u like much and deserve to be your winner, after that we can do some handover the final files, then u will get vector files from your winning designer :)