I've made the revisions you requested, but during this stage of your contest, only the first place designer has the ability to submit entries. So, in order for me to upload the revisions, you will need to move me into first place (you can move designers in and out of first place to receive revisions).
Definitely like the bigger entertainment. Can you play with the font style a little? I like what you have, but want it maybe a little more crisp, maybe one of the words in gray.
I'll get to work on using different fonts, and hopefully you'll have the opportunity to provide feedback so I'll know if I'm heading the right direction.
(I'll start with keeping the existing font, but changing one of the words to gray)
My web guy is a little concerned with the quality of the logo...please see below.
The logo looks as if it was built very small (.7333" wide x .532" high), using masked raster files for the gradients (and some rather odd construction methods).
instead of a handful of simple vector-based geometric shapes - this was constructed with dozens of nested, masked, raster files. Why?
in the type and the arrow you can see the "bit-mappy" appearance and lose ends going beyond the underlying art.
Is there anyway to fix these issues? When blown up or printed out the logo doesnt look clean
I work in two different programs - Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw (both are vector-based programs). This particular logo was created solely with CorelDraw.
I'm currently at the office and the files for your logo are at home. I suspect I simply missed a step while converting the file to eps. (which would make it look bit-mappy). I apologize for this inconvenience, but unfortunately, I rushed to upload the files before leaving the house this morning.
I sent you a private message earlier with the cmyk codes...please reply to that PM and provide your email address so I can get you clean copies.