Just for your information, as noted: "Only the #1 ranked designer can submit entries during judging mode."
So, if you need some revisions from other designer( Non #1 Ranked) you should put these designer on #1 rank first, so then they can submit the revision versions as requested.
#61 -- Name is correct. Dark brown is great. Can you make the snow caps 'white on tan'. The tan color is not exactly correct. The #5 ranked logo has the correct color of tan. Thanks again. We are getting there.
We like #72. However, is there a way to make the snow look a little more like snow and not smooth at the top? We are hoping to make a decision on the winner by tomorrow? We are quite pleased with this logo, except the snow resembles 'spilled paint that is running'. Thank you so much; we appreciate all your efforts. Judy
#80--- Love it! Will this design be like a 'clip art'. A design that we can place on letterhead paper without a white box around it? Appreciate you 'hanging in there' with us. We kinda knew what we wanted, but just didn't know how to do it! Thank you for all your work.