Nancy: This is a very nice design - clean, elegant, classy. I'm sorry to rush you but contest ends in 5 hours. Could you make a few changes? This logo is going to be produced on a red aluminum yard sign. Can you take the color variations out and make bold red, black and white? Can you change the background inside the box to black with griffin in white? Can you outline all white with black to show up better? Can you make "Realty" bigger with a different Font (maybe looks like handwriting) and put it in upper and lower case? PREMISE is an acronym and should stay in all caps. Thank you so much.
Nancy: Entry 105 is close to perfection. A few sugestions and we will be done. I love the Griffin in the house box. Can you make the entire Griffin Box bigger so that it is more predominant? Maybe the base width of box widens from "R" to "S" in PREMISE (use your artistic eye to judge right proportion). Also, can you outline white letters in black so they pop from red background like you did in #104? Lastly, can you pull "Realty" away from the word above as they overlap. Contest ends in 3 hours and you are my favorite. Thanks!