I think it looks pretty good (#28 and #29). All of the houses that I have seen are very bland. Something like the one in my logo (www.premieratlantarealestate.com, top left) would be preferable. I think a premier home would look better with a name like Premier Atlanta Real Estate.
#30 looks really good. I moved it to the second spot for me right now. I'll need to think about it a bit more. It's a little White House-like, but this is looking promising.
The symbol shows a clear idea, look clean and very easy to remember, hope you like it, im waiting for your comments, im still working, i really want to do an excellent job for you, thanks.
This is my new design, please, please and please, tell me whateever you want or you need for the logo, i really, really, really want to do a great work !!! im waiting for your answer, thanks a lot, good luck !!!
I really like #201. The problem is that I will be using it on my website on the top left and I think that the font needs to be light colored so that it is easier to read. If you can make the shield stand out against the blue background on the website with a different font, I think that this could be really nice.
Please tell me your suggestions about my logos just to me.
The shield idea was mine, and now i cant design something more with this idea because a lot of designers make the same, please the ideas about my logos just tell to me, thanks.
I don't think I understand, but let me look now and see...I think that the shield does not necesarily need to have a house. It could simply be a design without a house....
I definitely like these and one of them (#263 and #266) may be the winner, but, I do not care to much for the font. Can you make them a little more noticeable? Maybe a different font style...
I think also "Real Estate" will need to be the same color as the "Premier Atlanta" or at least a lighter color or it will get lost against the blue background on the website. I think maybe a very light blue, but, not white...
With your last suggestions made, new style font, please let me know what do you think, i still working but your new suggestions will be great to me, thanks and good luck !!!
#266 and #263 - I like the font in the words. I just think the font within the shield needs to be a little better defined with a different font. I like those 2 better than #269. I hope that helps!