I really like the graphic, and i am leaning toward green (perhaps a darker shade, more to represent, enviromental) The grey does not really stand out.. Also I like the name to be to the right of the logo with more emphasis on PREDICTIVE.
Entry #14 - If you slightly increase the size of the grafic so it will be more defined, as well change the green so it will be more vibrant. Change the silver to Black. The lettering for Predictive should be larger and the same length as Technologies. Technologies should be in black as well. Don't include the word Ltd.
Entry 56 - Looking better, please remove the shadow, reduce size of graphic slightly, make lettering heavier, especially "Predictive" and center the lettering to the graphic. Thanks
Entry #60 - There seems to be a small mistake in ther logo, the right and left green cubes have small parts of the corner removed that the black cube does not. Can you fill it in so that they are square.
Entry #58 - Ok, I think we finally have it........ fix the green cubes in #58 and that will be it. Can you also provide the same thing but in gold as well?