Hello Yosaiki. I selected you as the winner. Congratulations, now that the tournament is complete, I would like to also see if I can have you work on a couple of different color combinations of this logo. This logo will go on my website and a multitude of other items. I need a color combination that is good for black backgrounds. One that has all of the black and grey areas in white. I would also like a logo without any of the slogan on it as well. Just the art on the left. This will help me use the different versions in different applications.
The logo I'm referring to is number 75 by Pixegeometry. He put the slogan to the right of the logo with a vertical line separating the logo from the slogan. can you try that with this logo. Probably would have to remove the horizontal line.
Hi Yosaiki, You are getting the most votes so far from friends. I am also rooting for your logo. one of my friends suggested taking this logo and changing the slogan so that it is off to the right just like logo number 75. Can you try one more like that. I appreciate all of the versions you have created. I will likely ask for a couple of versions of it and pay you extra for them if you win the contest. Thank you, Tony
Hi Yosaiki, I want to try just one more thing. Can you make the doctor look smaller like a lower case O. Similar to the doctor in 67 (In terms of size) I love this logo.
Hi Yosaiki, I like your logo. Can you make a few modifications to it so that we can see a few varieties. Please create a version that removes the cross and the wifi symbol completely so that all that is there is the doctor. Keep the little black dot from the wifi on his forehead though.
In another version, can you gray out the wifi symbol to make it a little lighter and less conspicuous. Please also remove the cross.
Finally in a third version, please replace the wifi symbol with something else (It could be a paper airplane or something else). The WIFI symbol used to be relevant to my company but it has less relevance now since I am not selling some of the technology products that used to use WIFI.
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Navigating you through the business of healthcare
many thanks,
In another version, can you gray out the wifi symbol to make it a little lighter and less conspicuous. Please also remove the cross.
Finally in a third version, please replace the wifi symbol with something else (It could be a paper airplane or something else). The WIFI symbol used to be relevant to my company but it has less relevance now since I am not selling some of the technology products that used to use WIFI.