So far your two are the ones I like the best, they combine the Princess idea & the eBay color scheme perfectly. Can you show me a few more designs/styles so I can narrow down what I want more? Thank you! Love your stuff!
Can I see #20 with a completely white background? Also an I see one of them, probably #20 or #21 with a different font for the bottom princess part? Thanks so much, so far yours are in the lead by a long shot.
Sure, I'll post 'em in a couple hours, just going out for lunch. There's a problem with that too-much-similar-to-ebay 'powerseller' text, or at least it could be a problem. Got a message (you got it too) from staff... so I'm going to slightly change font and colors, trying to keep it similar... but less. This is just to avoid you to have problem with ebay rights or things like that, so I hope you'll understand. I'll keep feeling and whole look, just make little changes.