Hi, thanks for the quick reply and comment. I want to bring more professional and strong feel to the logo, let me know if you have an ideas or further comments. Thanks
#29 - Half of our staff really likes your design. Can you try something with the arc (we have a global mission) and without the box frame around? The font and burst are great.
#39 - This is really, really clean. We are down to the wire but do you have any more ideas as far as communicating hope? (POWERFUL HOPE!) What about a burst of light coming over the arch like the sun rising on the horizon?
#47 is great except the burst should look like #58. The burst should be same color as the arch. Could you show us both the full burst (like #58) and then with the burst cutoff by the arch (like sun rising over horizon), similar to the way the burst is only above arch on #47? We are almost there!
Here is inverted version just in case u need to put it on colored background.... the logo still looks good. Anything else in the last 5 hours ? I want to make sure you get what you looking for. Thanks
Hi Sachii. The inverted looks very nice. Can you also do one inverted #63 with the burst that is cropped by the arch? We also will need the name of the font that you used for POWER OF GOD so that we can purchase it on our systems. The team has been won over by your design. Great job!
#77 - We are down to just deciding between the two bursts (cropped or not cropped by the arch). Do you have an opinion on the best way to display powerofgod.com as part of the logo? There will be times we want to include the URL and might move MINISTRIES to the right and a small powerofgod.com on the same line, to the left, with a different color. Can you recommend a different color that we would use for the URL?
Hi, you are lucky the font is free =). I will PM the font url in the judging mode (cannot send PM to CH unless the contest in judging mode and rank 1). Let me think the arrangement if you want to add the powerofgod.com url in the logo but usually if you have the domain that use the same name as the logo we can just simply add .com after Power Of God.