Hi Tim: #36 is nice. Can you change the font to something more powerful and substantial? We are also interested in seeing it with and without '.com'. If you haven't real my general comments regarding the man facing away, please review those. The solid sunburst of #37 might have potential, but could the center of the burst be level with the ground and radiating upwards? We like the solid colors vs. gradient. Instead of the solid line on the ground, can we see an arc there similar to #20?
Thank you very much for the feedback. I have a couple of variations on #36 and #37 for you to see. This is #37 with the burst radiating upwards and a more substantial font. I'll submit the changes to #36 in a moment.
I did read the general comments about the man and I'll work on that as well.
Tim: #44 is liked by everyone here. Definitely getting closer. The font is substantial and that is good. Do you have anything with a little more space on the opening of letters O, R, P, etc. The concern is that for apparel that the openings are too small. There is probably a graphic or typography name for those spaces, but I do not know them. :-) Can you try to arc the block line a little more instead of it being flat? Perhaps portraying that the man is on one horizon looking to a much bigger and better one? The staff had some concerns about the red and black being too dark combined with each other. Do you have any other suggestions? I like the red/black but that comment was voiced by several others so just want to inquire. #40 with the burst going up didn't turn out like we hoped. Let's wait on that and see what the arc change looks like and anything you can recommend for the man's appearance. Great work - Yours is the current majority favorite. Thanks.
Hi Tim: #48 looks good. Please taper the black ground arc at the ends to be thinner. The font is good. Can you shrink the height of the red circle to see if it adds more perspective? If you have a chance, we'd like to add the word ministries in black, all caps, left justified under power of God. That way, the red letters will hopefully make it clear that the domain name is powerofgod.com. I am going off-line until after tomorrow's church services but will check back in early tomorrow afternoon. Thank you! - Russell
These two use a different man that I had been working on as another option. I understand what you mean about the man appearing to say "Here I am", but I also see that figure as rejoicing. This figure conveys an embrace, or open arms reaching toward God.
For this one, instead of making the circle smaller overall, I just moved it down behind the horizon the man is standing on. Just a different look as an option.
Tim: #58 is great. Please make black ministries same size as the .com so we can evaluate. Can you show us with and without the white outline in the sun? The white outline should follow the same arc as the sun. We are close. I will have other staff look at this tomorrow afternoon. The revised sunburst makes the man with arms upwards great. I cant see enough closeup detail to see the fingers or feet. Do we have enough detail for embroidery and if it is blown up 10+ feet tall (billboards in foreign crusades)? I've zoomed in but the low res preview is too pixelated. Awesome job so far!
Thank you again for the feedback. These are the variations on #58.
The black ministries is the same same height as the .com. I can make it bolder or wider if you'd like to see any with that.
#63 has the white outline which I changed so that it follows the same arc as the sun. #64 has it removed.
There is detail and with vector images there will be no pixelation no matter how big you make it. I uploaded #65 which just shows the man and the sun so you could see more of the detail.
The sun looks a little bigger in #64 without the white outline, so this one makes the sun the same size as the area that is within the white border of #63 for another comparison.
Hi Tim. #64 looks really awesome. I don't see any other submissions from other designers that are even close. Will it be possible to make the sun in the final .eps an object that we can scale a little bigger or smaller dependin on its usage? We use CS4 here at the ministry. I would like to see MINISTRIES a little wider (elongated) as another option but I think we are close to the end. I need to have some others review it to get their input, but I am the decision maker. Let me ask you this if it is not too much trouble... In some countries, there will only be one color printing. Obviously, the text can all be black and the sun would probably just be a white circle with black outline or converted to grayscale. Can you show me that if it is not too much trouble? There will be occassions where we would be scaling down #64 to a single color but it would not be very often. I'll have others review #64 first thing in the morning but I think we are almost done. Thank you for your quick feedback and modifications. - Russell
Thanks you again, very much, for all of your feedback. It's no trouble at all to provide black and white and grayscale versions. I can also group the sun and burst into one object where you can easily change the size of it. I just need to put my daughter to bed then I'll get to work on showing you the b/w and grayscale versions, as well as some variations with "MINISTRIES" elongated.
Thanks Tim. I just realized that you won a previous tournament that I did for River of Grace Church. Power of God Ministries is the missionary arm of River of Grace Church, which I pastor. Very cool that you will have done both of our logos. You can see your work in living color at ROGdfw.com... :-)
Hi Pastor Lorfing :-) As soon as you mentioned River of Grace, I thought, "Of course, rlorfing". I remember that contest very well, and thank you for sharing the link. It's always great to see your work live.
These are the variations on #64:
#89 has MINISTRIES more elongated #90 has it a bit more elongated for another comparison
I used #89 to do the grayscale and b/w variations:
#91 #92 #93 are different levels of grayscale in the sun, darker to lighter respectively.
#94 and #95 are black and white, with the outline of the sun just being thinner on #95 for comparison.
If you would like to see any other changes or tweaks, please don't hesitate to let me know.
I have to get to sleep now as I'm traveling in the morning. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon, and can make any adjustments or tweaks you might like to see as soon as I get back.
Hi Tim. #89 is the current favorite. As we have looked at the logo, the only comment that keeps coming up is the whole issue of , "Is the man facing forward / backward?" It makes a lot of difference in our message / missions but I'm not sure there is a solution. Another designer has the man turned sideways for a perspective view but it just doesn't have the same 'feel' to me. Do you have any other ideas on this? We are really just down to that issue plus a couple of tweaks. If there is not tweak to add clarity to forward / backward, the logo is still awesome and would represent us well. Other tweaks: On the sun, can you show it with only one color instead of two? Just the red sun with a red outline and then white in place of the orange? On the line that you will add to outline of the sun, can you make the line thicker at the top and then taper down as it touches the earth / horizon arc? This would be most important for the black and white version but also for the 2-color black/red. If it is too much trouble, it is not a deal killer at all. We are still going back and forth on the word ministries and that word will be replaced depending on the usage (could appear as 'missionary outreach' or 'international' or other verbiage). We can make those changes in house if you will please make sure that we know the font name(s) so that we can change that in Illustrator / Photoshop as needed. Hope your trip went well this morning. Thanks!
I should be back in a couple of hours (just checking in on another computer) and it's no trouble at all to do the variations on the sun and the line around it. I'll be happy to provide font name and anything else you might need. I'll see what I can think of regarding the facing forward / backward thoughts.
Hello, This is the variation on #89 with the red sun with a red outline and then white in place of the orange. The line is thicker at the top and then tapers down as it touches the earth. If I misunderstood at all, or you would like changes to it, please let me know. It's no trouble at all.
I'll be submitting the black and white one shortly.
These two variations have the line around the sun positioned a bit differently respective of the spacing between the sun and the line. Just another option.
Wow. #122 - The black and white one looks really sharp. Can you show the taper going the other way? (Thick on the sides and thin at the top?) When you make the sun just red and white, please let us see the red portions stretching all the way to the red arc line (no white band / line of separation). Hope that makes sense. Question: On the red/orange sun, should the rays of sun be seen in the space between his legs? I am guessing that is why there is a solid color there.. looks odd with rays coming together between his feet?
Sunburst idea. #50 (different designer) uses a different technique for sunburst. Might this be a way to make it more obvious that it is obviously the sun behind him and he is facing it, instead of the possible misinterpretation that he is facing toward us?
I've extended contest but we are 100% decided on your design - just getting it tweaked. :-)
I'll work up some other variations on the sun, including seeing the rays in the space between his legs. I can't use that same starburst as someone else already used it, but I have a few ideas to change the look of the sun for you to see and I'll start working on those now.
These are some different looks for the sun as some other options. #131 #132 #133 #134 #135 #136 #137
By the way, I'm using CS3 for these so to your question about being able to change the size of the sun shape if needed, it would be no trouble with CS4.
This is one more minor change on #89. It has the rays visible in the space between the legs and on this one, the red border around the sun isn't tapered as another option. Please don't hesitate to mark any as not interested if you want to clean things up a bit, there were a lot of variations and combinations and I wanted to cover all the points you made.
Tim: Thank for the sun variations, but I like your original one better. Can I see #124 with the red bursts taken all the way to the edge of the red outline of the sun? Like #126 if the orange were red and the red interior bursts were white, but still with the red outline? I know it is hard to solely communicate via email. :-)
My last round of feedback on the logo today had some people asking, "That is the sun, right?" Maybe we need to try something different than the red/orange sunburst. Maybe something simpler? If you take a look at the logo on joelosteen.com (upper left), they have made a spherical globe in one color by using three 'swooshes' and tapered curves. Do you see any possibilities with something like that?
I am very pleased with the logo and if we have exhausted our options, it really looks great. But I am shooting for awesomeness. :-) Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks again for the feedback. No trouble at all doing variations on the sun as you described, I understand what you mean and have some ideas for that direction. I'll also do the change to #124. I'll have those done by this evening for you.
This is the variation on #124 with the red rays extending all the way to the border. The next is a small variation on it, using a smaller red circle in the center. #147 #148 and #149 are a few I had on the drawing board. I'll be working on some other sun ideas as well.
Thank you for the different looks. I think we need to move away from the sun altogether. Over the course of the day I received more feedback. More than one person mentioned Karate Kid or asked if this was just for an outreach to China... LOL. So, let's see it with the sun removed completely.
As I've brainstormed on this, the only other thing I can think of is to incorporate the sun peeking over the horizon similar to the logo that resulted from the first tournament. You can see that logo at http://powerofgod.squarespace.com/storage/pogbanner5.jpg. We decided not to use it because it didn't incorporate the man but we loved the logo, we just felt it was incomplete. If we can combine the two, that might solve the issue entirely. Thank you for your patience with this. We want to get it right.
Tim: #161 is great! Clean, clean, clean. I uploaded the version with the full starburst as part of the contest brief. The one that won the contest is the half burst. Can you see the winning entry from the first Power of God contest easily? I am out of the office on my iPad so I can't upload it.
I posted a message a few days ago telling other designers to stop submitting so you and I are going to get it right. If you can show only a half burst, that would be awesome. I would also like to see the half burst coming over the arc he is standing on without another sun / sphere present at all.
You're the professional so if you have another idea, I would love to see it. But I think we will have a winner with this evolved concept. Thanks again for your patience and perseverance.
These are the variations with the half burst coming over the arc he is standing on. I did a few with very subtle variations in the size and position, as it does give it a different look and I wanted to give you some good comparisons.
#165 - the half burst on the horizon he is standing on #166 - the half burst a bit bigger #167 - bigger again
#168 - is #165 with a red horizon line #169 and #170 - just a couple of other ideas
This one has a small line added to show the back of the jacket and a slight line on the right sleeve where the wrist is..Just a subtle idea to add to the facing away look.
These look great. I'm soliciting some final feedback on these. I think we have a winner. If there are no other tweaks, I'll rank everything appropriately and end the contest.