What We Do
Helping people have an easy and convenient way to find the wines at their favorite restaurants.
Color Preferences
would like to have the color of wine, maybe a maroon, burgundy, or dark purple in the back ground and or in the letters?
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Want to incorporate a wine glass in the "P" for "Poured" or in the writing. I also like the "U" in "POURED" could take the shape of a wine glass. Ideally we want a wine bottle in there pouring wine since a glass pouring out wine doesn't really make sense.
This is going to be a mobile app and website so the main logo is important to then be able to create an app icon like this example.
I also included another example but def want to have a wine glass or something with wine incorporated in the logo.
Also the "location" icon with a bottle of wine or wine glass. Included an example