Okay finally at a real computer....#41 i like, but the bike shown is a BMX and this is mostly a mountain bike type jump spot. Is there a way of taking the concept of #33 but putting it in the rectangle format of #41?
I think having the word "jumps" in the logo is bothering me. The kids all call it "Post". Could I see a version of #68 without the "Jumps" part? Feel free to move things around as you see fit to keep a good balance.
these are all really cool. I think I am leaning towards #80 as I like the way the lip of a jump is at the bottom. Looks great. I may come back with a request to include the word "office" under post, but lets just leave this like it is for now.
Okay, ran it by a couple of people and I would be interested in seeing a couple of other versions of #80. Could you do one adding the word "Office" and one adding "Aptos, CA"
Again feel free to rescale as needed to make it all work.
oh, thanks! These are all great. I think what I'd like for final is #99 or #98 but with the word "office". And then Aptos, CA underneath like #97 or #102. Then I can always remove the Aptos, CA if I don't need it.