Entry #10: I almost thought the tshirts should have been wrapped around a ball too. It looks good, but i loose the visual of the tshirt. Maybe the ball isn't the way to go. Try playing with the tshirts themselves? I really enjoy the font. Web 2.0 style. Gray is good + simple, but might be too dull. what do you think?
I like #29 and #33 now that the T-shirt icon has been added to the "O". Can you play with the white color of the t-shirt? Some people can recognize the shirt right away, some people don't. The drop shadow definitely helps, but some other element might help even more. The drop shadow might also cause problems if we try to dress the logo up during season changes. Either way, it has added a nice touch to the t-shirt. I would also like to see #28 with the T-shirt in the same blue as the rest of the logo (or maybe another color). The lime green gets confusing and hard to read. I would also like to see both logos with the gradient highlight that was used on #3.
So far you have the cleanest, most professional, and subtly fun logo out there. We appreciate your great ideas. Thanks!
competition newer sleeps.... It seems that I will have to remove your favorite entry's because LG claim rights to it. When you asked me to put t shirt into O i didn't know who did it firs I just did it :) Here is variation of the logo where O is head of the guy who wear t shirt. I think its nice for future use because It can be modified by purpose much easier because you now have little mascot in the logo so you can put Christmas red hat , or Halloween mask, or you can even change the text on t shirt itself to promote some offer etc...
I don't think thats very fair, so i emailed Logotournament.com. Anyways
I think #51 is a great idea to work with. Can you put the .com at the end of "popfunk" instead of in the tshirt. This could be a good idea to work with.
can you also give me an example of #51 with the gradient that was used in #3?
Thank you for the variations. Entry #90 and #87 are very cool.
#90 is simple and to the point. My only complaint is that the t-shirt may be too BIG for the "O". try making it a little smaller?
#87 is great too. Can you play with the ".com" notation and make it more readable as a Hanging Tag, hanging off a tshirt? Maybe change the color? Make the string of the tag longer? up to you, but its a cool idea to work with.
Thanks for all your work, we really appreciate it.