Referring to Entry #15, the idea of placing the tshirt in the "O" might be a good idea to work with. I don't like the font or colors however, so if you could play with that, maybe something might come together!
Entry #18, is a great improvement from entry #15. I would like to see this design simplified more, with the T-shirt more easily visible. As a thumbnail, the logo is tough to understand whats inside the O. Is it the font? Do the brown bubbles take away from the focus of the logo? Maybe. Maybe if you placed the slogan below, it would change things. Lastly, that color green does not work for us. Please try different colors.
#25, #26, #24 are very cool. It's colorful and fun, yet the brown circles keep it from becoming too light and airy. The T-shirt in the "O' looks MUCH better.
I am concerned that a few of the smaller circles would not reproduce well when shrunk to smaller sizes. Something with the bubbles could be worked on. I would like to see how the bubbles look in black, I think it will make the logo pop more overall.
I don't disagree that the Popfunk logo needs to be fun (i.e. the bubbles), but if we are trying to create a brand it needs to be simple and iconic. Could you work on some logos very similar to this, but more simple & iconic?
It's not a bad idea, i like where your heads at. Only problem is that the "t-shirt" on the F looks more like a blouse or dress.
in #50 or #52 i think the logo looks GREAT without the bubbles. The thin outline really makes the logo pop and i like the font. i would like to see the ".com" a little bigger so its readable when the logo is small.
Also please try to make the t-shirt read more as a tshirt. I want to make sure our consumer really understands what we stand for.
I like the eyeball the P has. But, we like the P better with NO arms. Its easier to read when he is in the logo.
For entry #131 and #132 can you take out the slogan "a tshirt for every taste". Id like to see the logo by itself.
Regarding color: Entry #133 is too hard to read. Let's keep it all one color. Maybe the P is a different color? Either way can you play with the color on all 3 of these entries (#131 #132 and #133). I would like to see these in different colors.
We really need a great logo here to convince the company. Please brainstorm some new ideas Please send what you can!
Hey LG. The logo looks like its going to be the one. You did great work.
Is there any way we can see the same logo as #165 but with the "P" capitalized? As in the "P" character would be bigger than the word, He would be a Capitol Size "P".
Let me know, i would just like to take a look at it this way.
Sorry 1 more thing! Last but not least, can you bring the capitol "P" up a little higher, so the bottom of his feet is in line with the entire word, instead of the bottom of the other 'p'.