Entry #12 I like this - but I don't like the person inside the oragne. I like the organge block where it is. Can you do something else with it? Can you take the letters 'lbs' the appreviation for 'pound' and put it in the orange block somehow?
This is proposal based on your suggestion fro incorporating "lbs" in logo. This is first version and i will improve it in next iteration. Please let me know if you have any suggestion
Entries #13, #14 and #15. You did exactly as I asked but it's not there yet.... I do like the orange box. To me it represents an abstract scale. I like that. Let's try these two looks; 1) Don't put anything in the box except for the horizontal stripes like you have in Entry #15 . 2) Keep the horizontal stripes (with nothing else in the box) like you have in Entry #13; On both make the orange box smaler;I am thinking about 10 - 20% smaller - The look I'm looking for is for the top of the orange box to be a tad lower than the top of PONDO and the bottom of the orange box to be a tad higher than the bottom of technologies. Thanks!