#1 #2 "counseling way too small. Plumeria looks like the name of a drug if counseling isn't equally clear. # 3 is my favorite because the font is strong and masculine. Maybe try rearranging the pictoral mark to move it left of the font, as in #1, but with a smaller size for the image. Nice job so far.
A couple things to experiment with..... 1) different colors for the logo, 2) more rounded edges for the flower, i.e. more smooth/oval. This one might be a little too "prickly". Thanks!
Entry #5. The font is interesting, colors too. Overall, this design strikes us as a bit too cutesy. Can we see it with the logo on the left (with "counseling" enlarged)? Thanks.
Entry # 14. We like the pictoral mark, not the color. Was wondering if you could go for something a bit brighter (but not too bright), reminiscent of Hawaii, welcoming, uplifting. Also, we'd like to see the logo and the text be the same color, which would simply be easier for print. Also (lol) we'd like to see it with the font you used for etries #4 and #5. Cool? Thanks!
We're not a fan of the pink so much. You can see that we moved entry #5 to first rank. We like the font, as well as the logo, but would like to see what you might do with this general design, while making it a bit more clean/crisp. Also, we'd like to see the logo in this design moved left, ad "counseling" made larger. Also, colorwise, water/sky is a big part of Hawaii. Maybe some aquas/teals/etc. would be worth consideration. Thanks!
Here's the updated design..per your request. I am also working on a "smoother" variation of the flower. Thaks for all of your participation and feedback. It is super helpful!
This is a smoother look...while still retaining the feel of organic brush strokes. I don't want it to look too clinical and slick. I want to keep a feeling of natural and grounding. Let me know if I am of the right mindset.
Nice submissions! We favor #34 and #36. We like the crispness of #36, and the color scheme of #34. We also still like #5, though would like to see it a bit more crisp/clean if that's possible. We're very fond of the brown-grey color of the font in #5 as well, just not sure what colors would go well with it if we change to the logo in, for instance, #36. Also, could you try putting a border around #5? The same color as the font? Square or rectangular, depending on what you think looks best? Thanks!
Wow, you've been busy. Excellent stuff. Yes, we're open to gradient. In fact, we'd love to see the orange one with more of a gradient. As for the ones with the pictoral mark on top, "counseling center" seems to extend too far outside of "plumeria" on each side. We like the crispness of designs #61, #62, #63. Can these be positioned with the logo left? ANd we cannot yet dedice whether we prefer the all-black text of the colored Plumeria. Both appeal actually. You've really given us a lot to think about. Thanks!
It has been such a pleasure working on your contest. Thank you so much for the continued feedback. I hope you receive the perfect logo for you and Plumeria Counseling. Regardless of who you select as your winning design....I want you to know this has been a treat. I wish you much success!!
Thanks Kim. The feeling is mutual. You have been a pleasure to work with and most people I have spoken to favor your designs best. A recent recommendation was to put the pictoral mark in #133 with the font for #104. Can you out that together for us? Thanks!
The contest has been extended but two of your designs are very much the ones to beat. I think you can pretty much relax for a while. The only thing we'd like to see is #190 with the logo on the left. Maybe you can do one version with the font all in grey (as is), and another with "counseling center" in the same shade of red as the pictoral mark (as you did in #125). Thanks!
I have uploaded the changes you requested. I also went back and re-worked an early icon from entry #3...removing the pointed notches...and combining it with the latest type version.
My favorites are #190 and #242.....with the all gray type. #172 has a completely different feel...and I like that one as well.
Also...I am willing to provide both the centered version and the icon on the left version of whichever design you choose. It can print either way...depending on the application.
Here are the primary contenders: #190 / #231, #135 / #172, #242 / #240. I just met with the architect and interior designer for the center and have a better sense now of how the space will look. Grey font will work, but a chocolate brown could work as well. Could you try these in a brown font just to check it out? Thanks (maybe just one of each pair will suffice)(Ooh, also, the outlining in #135 / #172 would have to be changed too). TY TY TY TY TY
#133. We really love the way the cursive font plays into the design of the logo. The only problem is that Plumeria is not a commonly known or recognized word, so legibility is so important. The "u" and "m" in this font kind of blend together and make the word hard to read. Do you think you could remedy this somehow? Maybe find an alternative cursive font, but one more readable? Thanks. Sorry to throw all this stuff at you, but we think we are really getting close here.
Ooh. I just noticed something else. "Counseling Center" in #232 reads a little more clearly than it does in #264. Can you combine "Plumeria" from #264 with "counseling center" from #232. I wonder how that would look. Ok, enough (for now). Thanks a ton.
Spent the day traveling so haven't been able to stay up on things as well as usual. Spoke to a bunch of people tonight and have got an array of new opinions. Many people like #221, mainly (I think) because of how the white stands out against the brown backdrop, which adds a masculine feel to an otherwise pretty feminine name. Further consensus is that the cursive simply isn't readable enough for a word as little known as Plumeria. So (since I'm rooting for you to win this contest) maybe we can try some more adjustments, working off of #262. Firstly, different fonts for Plumeria. Some I like are Helvetica Neue Light & Ultralight, Optima, and, possibly, zapfino. You probably have access to more, so maybe play around some. Secondly, maybe it would help to try white on brown, like #221, changing both the red in the logo (keeping the yellow dots or adding a yellow gradient) and the font color to white. Let's try to make one of these designs of yours work! Thank you thank you thank you.