i like the yellow "studios" in #168, but don't think the O in more reads well as a group of splatters- i do like the splatters above as in #167
in #166 the swirly O is nice, but where swirl ends makes it look a little like a lower case "e" maybe if it were rotated or flipped to have the tail of the swirl in a different position
#169 and #170 i think the font is too delicate to read well- not sure i want my figures trapped in a hula hoop!
can we try #175 with the O in more as a single splatter? same color and size, just sloppier around the edges...
in #166 the swirly O is nice, but where swirl ends makes it look a little like a lower case "e" maybe if it were rotated or flipped to have the tail of the swirl in a different position
yes in three lines so a more square format- perhaps you can see the other entries where this has been done? like #171 i have requested this arrangement from others so i believe it's OK for you to do it...
it is frustrating to not be able to sketch a concept for you to look at... :) -e-
and try one (hopefully last?) version like #193 but with the "MORE" at a 30degree angle - just rotate it a little so it crosses the bottom of the Y in "PLAY" and let's leave "studios"off when you try that, because i'm not quite sure where it would go, then
and let's try the font from #195 in the same arrangement as #193
i think you can still make revisions after I name you the winner, yes?
i'm thinking #204 is the framework for a few refinements
use the font from #201 for Play make Play a little bigger P capitalized, lay lowercase use the font from #204 for MORE (all caps) make MORE a little bit smaller add black drop shadow on all keep studios like it is
I am very much happy that I was chosen to be the winner in this contest.. and I also uploaded the final files (revised) to your end. If your are pleased with the design can I ask you a favor to please click "Approve" link under "My Account> My Ended Contest"
But if you have more comments or rather suggestions I am ready to help you with it. And also if you need more help in any graphical designs such as website, business card, brochure, tshirt..etc.. I am offering my expertise to you.. just contact me here in logotournament..
Hoping in seeing and working with you soon with more projects..