Would you be able to incorporate the game concept from #46 into the bird from #45? Not the entire bird though, just the bottom of it, the belly of the bird? If so, can you then make it smaller and tilt it more to the left making that bottom/belly of the bird the p in playlark? Also instead of the two different shades of green for the top part of the bird , lets make it 2 different shades of blue. The namespace "playlark", lets put that to the right of the emblem instead of underneath but it'll only be "laylark" since the bottom part of the bird would represent the "p". Lets make the font black though, and make it look like there's two halves - the top half being darker than the bottom half instead of that line you have going through #45 now. I would really like to see these changes - I really like it!
Yes you understood me perfectly. #48 - I like the size of the bird in proportion to everything else. I don't like the font used thoough. It's too big and clunky. I think it could be slimmer and a little more refined. Let's take out all of the tetris stuff from #48, leaving the top & middle lines of the bird, the bird's head and just one thin black line outlining the p. Similar to how you have it now but just taking out all the tetris stuff bringing the thin black line closer in. I think you might have to make the birds head smaller too, but let's see what that looks like. Maybe the head of the bird could be the tetris stuff?