I like your
#32 and #33. If you follow some of the suggestions in the second paragraph of the discussion i posted, I pretty much outline specifically what I'm looking for. I think you have the talent to pull it off in a unique fashion.
"I like the Impact font because it is thick and tight but am open to other similar styled fonts. But honestly, I think if someone were to tweek the "headerbg4.jpg" example I had posted I would probably be very happy with that. I think it just needs that "something" that I don't know how to explain to style it up a notch.
I like the look of the impact font with all lower case letters except the "G". I like the orange box around the "p" as well. I also like the look of "BEAT MARKET" in an upper case outline type font. I would love to see more takes on this example design giving it light, depth, texture, or whatever your creative mind sees fitting. The #20 entry is closing in on that look, but in addition to being clean it could be a little raw or gritty, maybe with some very minor stylizing to the "Grind" but still keeping in with the general font look."
Thanks for the submissions!