Thanks. I really like the concept, just trying to figure a way to make the "pong-concept" standout more. I think your first instinct was right, and my suggestion to make the paddles a different color make the design weaker. It would be cool to see some further exploration of making the concept stand out though. Otherwise, it might be more of a "secret" that people only sometimes find out about like the Fedex arrow. Thanks.
I understand what you mean. I'll work on that concept to come up with a way to make it stand out. In the meantime, I am sending a green version of the "easter egg" concept #199! Thanks, your feedback is being very cool! :)
Hi Bryan! Sorry for the delay. It´s Blippo! I made three more types in lowercase. So that the letters be given a unique alignment and the reference stand a little more. Take a look.