I REALLY like where this is going!!!!! lets straighten out the Plant Trees 4 Life on #57.. remember to use the number 4 in the words spelled out.. awesome! Pamela
Hi .. Posting variations of #65 and #61 as suggested .........do let me know if you want further modifications. I'll work on a few more ideas in the mean while...... Thanks once again.;-) Cheers
#139 please make the 4 ALL green in the full name of comapnay
and please match the FONT OF PT4L when you write out PLANT TREES $ LIFE and give a few other options...reminder to keep the 'L' thick like when you changed it a few days ago . thank you P
apologies for my lack of understanding....... Have made the changes and posted some font variations ........can always change the 4 to ALL GREEN for the ones you like..........let me know. thanks
Thank you Crafty, I was overruled by my partner... though down the road with hopes we could come back to you thank you for ALL YOUR EFFORTS...i wished it was you! P