Pitpassradio.comLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Pitpassradio.com Pitpassradio.com has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 87 designs from 17 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by AmandaLeahy Return to Contest Return to Contest New #55 New #57 New #54 Withdrawn New #56 Prefers others. #53 Prefers others. #52 Prefers others. #17 Discussion AmandaLeahy Logo Designer I have made a bold and racy statement(This comment references Entry #17) 16 years ago Pit Pass Radio Client Amanda, can you take the road racing helmet and put it on one end and have a dirt bike racing helmet on the other end? Pitpass is ALL motorcycles and all kinds of racing. Scott Casber 515 707 8657 16 years ago AmandaLeahy Logo Designer Will do Scott, Sorry for the delay, am away at a conference at the moment so will ad the new helmet in when I'm re-united with my mac. Cheers, Amanda 16 years ago Pit Pass Radio Client 55 is very cool but it is tough to get an image of bike when we cover all the various forms of motorcycling 15 years ago