What We Do
"Pit Stop" is a new quick oil change and maintenance center providing fast, modern, and high-tech service for a wide range of vehicles, including cars, 4x4s, motorcycles, and hybrids. We aim to be a top-quality alternative to dealerships and traditional repair shops, offering services like oil changes, filter replacements, fluid flushes, and brake services. Our target audience includes car owners seeking efficient and reliable maintenance, especially those with newer vehicles or those who value premium service options. We're looking for a modern, expressive logo in dark orange, light carbon black, and gray that will stand out on social media.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I'm looking for something modern for the ages 20 to 50 years old,
Something to reflect the Fast Service Movement and Quality related to cars and the quick service.
• Dark Orange #E8701F
• Light Carbon Black #404040
• light Gray #D1D1D1