Wow, an impressive first batch... I can't get a hold of my partner (and he's the one financing ;-) ), so this is just my comments. They most likely will be pondered later on by whatever he has to say. So please wait until I can get his feedback too before moving forward on anything. I will try to get his input and forward it asap.
The pirate head in place of the O in Import, especially the black version in #41 and #40: That's a great idea.
I like the font. I had a script font in mind originally, but I think this works very well. It's nice and bold and punchy. The gradient on "Import" is perfect.
I really like your #41, although it isn't a scene concept. But It has some of that "BAM!!" / bold feeling we're looking for.
#35 and #40: For the scene, I think I like overall #35 better, the elongated layout gives it better balance / harmony I think. The only thing (and again, that's just me, my partner may like it), is that I find the overall tone just a bit too "industrial". I like the fact that's it's modern, but maybe replacing the crane with something more exotic like palm trees or island / tropical feel of some sort. I don't like the car in the container. Maybe just more boxes like you had (and bigger boxes) will work (we're going to be shipping all sorts of stuff, so being too specific on the products is probably not a good idea). Also, can you try the gradient from #41on the container.
Also, please check my last comment on the general board for additional information.
One small note: I've updated a bit the "Modern / classic" slider. We still want it to overall look modern, but we want a little bit of "dream" and maybe some measure of "traditional pirates" feeling.
A slogan has been added to the brief: "Good deals... one container at a time". An appropriate french translation will be provided by the end of the contest.
Many thanks for you great work, moreover on a Sunday ;-)
#47 is really looking great, the scene is fantastic! The industrial elements placed within this context now give seriousness / credibility. Very impressive integration. I also love the detail work on the container.
Before I talk to my partner (I see him tomorrow night), do you think you could please do 2 more versions with the following changes:
1) A version with:
- Make the PIRATE IMPORT text as well as the container a bit smaller compared to the star shape and medalion AND / OR enlarge the star and medalion, so that we can better see some of the detail you have carefully built in.
- Make the border on the star shape a very very light gray, instead of white. Better yet, leave the white border, but add a second very very thin light grey border on the outside of the white
- Palm trees black instead of green (they look great by the way)
- Just a tiny space please between "GOOD DEALS" and "ONE CONTAINER AT A TIME"
2) A version with all of the above plus:
- Is it possible to have the star shape act as a mask inside of the circle scene, so that when you clip it, we don't see the scene inside the circle and then some spikes in gradient color around it, but rather so that the scene fills the entire star shape area as a solid block ? Maybe have the spikes smaller and have more of them so you don't have to cut out too much of the scene in the clipping.
PS: I've reranked all the "relatively distinct" designs, except when it is just too small a variation, so everyone can get points. I am new to this, so I hope this is being fair.
Well, almost none of what I suggested works. My apologies for asking for stupid changes... Your #47 is still the best in the end. Could you just do a version with :
- The "PIRATE IMPORT" text and container and bit smaller / the scene and star a bit bigger so we can see the scene detail a little better ?
- The thin grey border on the outiside of the white like on #48, but much lighter (like #DDDDDD) ?
- Update the slogan to "CLIQUEZ. IMPORTEZ. ECONOMISEZ !". The bold red should be on "ECONOMISEZ !"
And I think that will be it as far as I'm concerned. I'll see what my partner says tonight.
My partner liked #47 as well. He agreed also on the changes I suggested in my previous message. Once we have the changes from previous post above, we'll be done.
Thank you so much. That's great. We may have one more small tweak during the judging period, but for now that's perfect. Unless someone else comes up with something that blows our mind even more than you, I'd say this is our winner ;-)