Pirate ImportLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Pirate Import

Pirate Import has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 115 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.


Prefers others.


Hello Inbox,

I'm very sorry, I forgot to post on your page what I had posted earlier today on the general comments page. At this point, we've decided to delete the character / mascot logo style. Below is what I had posted this morning:

I think at this point it is safe to say that we want the graphical element to be a container or crate with a pirate mark, or a pirate boat, or perhaps even some sort of "composed scene" such as a pirate boat at bay, with a few containers stacked in front. There was recently a contest for "Natalie's coffee". The winning design there may give you a rough idea of what I mean by "composed scene" (I hope I'm not breaking any client rules of conduct by quoting an example from another contest, but it's just to illustrate what I mean by "composed scene", mods: feel free to edit my post if it is indeed innapropriate for me to do this.)

I know we had included character / mascot as a possible logo type, but after speaking to my partner this morning, we decided against it after all. My apologies to the designers who took that path... I guess we just don't always know what we want until we start seeing stuff.

Again, my aplogies and thank you for your work so far, it is overall very good quality.
15 years ago
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