Guz, Thanks for your entry, you did arrive late in the process and we have not had a chance to see much of your work. We really liked the use of the imbeded subliminal pipewrench. Please take a shot at some additional logo designs using other style types, and again with the subliminal messages. You made our top 5. Joe
Guz, Pipe fitters work in Oil Refineries quite a bit and the Oil Refineries have flare stacks, can you change the drip on entry# 110 to be like a flare stack? Thanks, Joe
We have received a lot of positive feedback on your logo design entry# 111. Here are the changes that have been requested. Please change the color of "Chicago" and "Local 597" to be red on the top half of each letter and blend to blue on the bottom half of each letter.
Pipefitters also work on heating and cooling projects so we would like the letters with the red half to represent heating and the blue bottom half of the letter to represent cooling.
To all of our designers, we will be picking one winning logo, but we will want to get additional designs because we are fond of quite a few. There is an 1.5 hours left, please continue to submit designs.