Hello - thanks for your first idea for our logo contest. I like the bold colours and suggestion of people coming together, and it's an innovative way to include the cross without looking like other church logos. I also like the fun typography, which is something I wasn't expecting from the brief. I would love to see more ideas, particularly which symbolise people gathering (although they don't necessarily have to look like people - we referred to Bethlehem Baptist's excellent logo in our brief), and definitely things which have the same energetic spirit you brought to this entry #23. Thanks again and best wishes, Bern Leckie @ Pip n Jay
Hi Liliya, thanks for the second batch of really interesting ideas. #26 and #25 grabbed my attention as nice variations on the Bethlehem Baptist sort of idea, but different. I'd love to see some more twists on this. As they are, I think I felt a ghostly presence, and then realised the shape they've formed is a little bit spooky! Were you aiming to depict a body of some kind? If so, I love the idea, it just needs to be a bit less Scooby Doo! #27 is also interesting but I think we've realised we don't want shields (I'll put that in the general comments) because they feel more defensive than welcoming. #28 and #29 I think I'll rule out as they look like burning crosses which have all sorts of bad associations. I love that you've been so responsive so quickly with new ideas, so please keep them coming and thank you again. Best wishes, Bern
Lillya - these are coming on really well, thank you! #38 is one of my favourites so far, immediately energetic and incredibly clever to bring people, the cross and (after looking a bit longer) the hearts together. I think you're definitely onto something with that one! My one worry would be that is might be slightly too slim in parts to stay intact at small resolutions - I wonder if it possible to get the same effect from slightly simpler figures? A real standout for me, though - thanks, and I'm still keen for more if you can! Best wishes, Bern
Hi Lillya - got some more feedback from the team who are very excited about your designs. #25 is getting well liked, but could it be edited to look less like Africa? #33 is a great addition - could we see it in the same aspect/angle but with 4 components rather than 8? #38 is another team favourite, with people wanting to know if it can be simplified a little, as I mentioned yesterday, but the way the heart, people and cross shape are all included is very strong. Many thanks, and I'm looking forward to see what comes next! Best wishes, Bern
Hi Liliya - thanks for all the extra ideas and variations. We still feel #38 is very strong, and out of the simplified variants I think #74 might be the best in that it's a bolder, simplified shape which will stand out well in a variety of settings. Could we see what it looks like for the central cross in #74 or #75 to be a bit more solidly cross-like in the middle (i.e. looking a bit less like fan blades) - it might need the figures to be realigned a little. It's a bit awkward because I'd hate to lose all the character from your original lines, but do you see what we're after? Thanks for #77 in response to our specific request. I think it's helped us work out that shapes which look too flower-like are not right for us, and that would include #68, #69 and #70 too. We had a good discussion about #66 - the energy is great, but it reminds me how important it is to have a simple design we can put over a variety of textures later. The paint splat is a brilliant example of something we could use, but not as the main feature of the logo. Feel free to use it, or something like it, as a background in variations or other ideas - if they look good together, I think that would mean the logo is simple and versatile, which would be great! Hope that makes sense. Many thanks again, Bern
Brilliant - thanks for the fresh ideas in #81 and #82. #82 especially suggests diversity and inclusion to me, with a hint of heart shape too - it's really nice. One fresh twist to suggest (which I've also put in general comments to all) - I've encouraged lots of 4-part ideas which suggest a cross, but we also said in the brief that there could be other ways to symbolise God. I'd love to see some 3-part ideas which would help us share our belief in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so would you have any variations or new ideas which could go in that direction just before we start to conclude things? Many thanks again for all your fantastic ideas. Bern
Thanks for the new ideas #84 and #85 - I think these look a bit less personal and more abstract than some of your others. I see the fish in #81 and #82 now you mention it - clever! I'm looking forward to getting more opinions from church people tomorrow, so I remain open to all your ideas which are really helpful to show them. Many thanks - Bern
I like #98 but prefer #93 at the moment. It's tricky - we're really getting into the fine details now with this one, and at the moment we're talking about my preferences rather than the whole team choice - having the options will help give this idea a chance of being the winner. My reason for preferring #93 is that the cross is clearest, even though it's at the expense of some of the character in the lines of the bodies. #98 has more character, but the spiky pattern it creates at the middle feels offputting to me. Maybe tapering the bodies to be more narrow at the point where they meet would give us some of the best of both? I think I'm keen that the bodies meet straight on rather than at an angle as in #74, for example, because that seems (to me) to be the difference between a cross and fan blades. Hope that's helpful. Many thanks again - Bern
Hello - thanks for your latest ideas. I like #112, #113 and #114 (#112 preferred for simplicity). Feedback from the team today is very much favouring the simplest possible ways to express the ideas which you are capturing very cleverly. Looking forward to any more you would like to suggest. Best wishes, Bern
#122 is beautiful, simple and fun - thank you! I like the contrast of the rougher, hand drawn textures in #123 and have a feeling this may grow on us over time. #125 is also interesting, precious and attractive like a nice piece of jewellery but I think lacking the people connection which is standing out as essential in the top designs. You are amazing in how you're coming up with so many fresh ideas - thank you again! Bern
Really interesting to see new ideas! The dialogue boxes in #161 (and the perspective variation) are a great alternative way of showing people connecting, as is the body and city represented in #165 and variants. I'll come back with team feedback later as we get to the final part of the contest - meanwhile, thanks for carrying on being inventive! Bern
Thanks for another good set of ideas - I'll get feedback from our team Tuesday morning and pass it along. Meanwhile I'm putting my preferences into a rough ranking. Many thanks, and we'll keep an eye out for more! Bern
Hello - final feedback from the team as we're looking for the final perfect execution today: #122 very highly regarded, a front runner, nice and simple #161 also a top contender, although we would probably lose the ground shadow, and I have questions over whether the elements could be separated into useful bits but still retain the essence of the design. That wasn't a requirement we put into the brief, to be fair, so it is secondary. It has emerged as I have started mocking up how the top contenders can look in context for us, which is what will help us decide the final winner. #173 was the other one which I would call a front runner from people's reactions today. However, we need to be careful that we don't accidentally produce a swastika, and this is a little close. What we like is the energy and fun of the people who are connecting while also reaching out. Any more variations on this idea? #93 and variants: after a long time as a front runner, I think we concluded that it's genius but too delicate and complex (even in its simplest form) to beat your others.
The contexts in which we are testing the top contenders include Powerpoint presentations, Christmas invitations and connections between the logo (or elements from the logo) and various stories we need to tell visually about who we are and what we do. If you have any more ideas or particularly developments of your top ideas which could help us use elements from them in as versatile a way as possible, please send them in today!
Many thanks again for all your brilliant suggestions - Bern
Hi Lillya - I'd just like to give you some special thanks for your fantastic contributions to our logo design contest. I'm sorry to say that you didn't win. However, the team was incredibly impressed by the range of your ideas and I want you to know that your hard work and responsiveness was very much appreciated. I know at least one person who may be looking for logos in future who would make a point of seeking your input because of this contest. Many thanks again and best wishes, Bern