Pinot's PaletteLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Pinot's Palette Pinot's Palette has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 106 designs from 23 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client PinotsPalette United States Slogan Paint. Drink. Have Fun. What We Do Pinot's Palette is a BYOB painting studio. We are looking for a new logo for our ART TASTING event - an evening of wine, interactive art, prizes, food and fun to benefit charities. Industry Entertainment Color Preferences Burgundy Our Ideas & Additional Information I have attached last year's logo. We want to develop this logo for use at our Houston event, but also to roll out to other markets/nationwide in the US. Themes SimpleLuxuryModernRefinedAdventure Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st Vea Withdrawn 2nd dapc79 Withdrawn 3rd doncorvair 4th violet Withdrawn 5th Faith Withdrawn 6th SPARKcreative Withdrawn 7th BIG love Withdrawn 8th kotakaca 9th Kozmiko Withdrawn 10th insignificart Removed New Vectorian Removed New Vectorian Withdrawn New Rändi Withdrawn New Rändi Withdrawn New Rändi Withdrawn New doncorvair Removed New candela Withdrawn New DeeBee Withdrawn New Kozmiko Withdrawn New cornelius Withdrawn New cornelius Prefers others. El Flako Prefers others. El Flako Prefers others. El Flako Withdrawn Prefers others. Rändi Withdrawn Prefers others. Rändi Withdrawn Prefers others. kotakaca Withdrawn Prefers others. kotakaca Withdrawn Prefers others. kotakaca Withdrawn Prefers others. heru Withdrawn Prefers others. kotakaca Withdrawn Prefers others. BIG love Withdrawn Prefers others. violet Withdrawn Prefers others. MAREMA Withdrawn Prefers others. kotakaca Withdrawn Prefers others. kotakaca Withdrawn Prefers others. Rändi Withdrawn Prefers others. violet Withdrawn Prefers others. violet Withdrawn Prefers others. heru Withdrawn Prefers others. heru Withdrawn Prefers others. heru Withdrawn Prefers others. heru Withdrawn Prefers others. MAREMA Withdrawn Prefers others. kotakaca Withdrawn Prefers others. kotakaca Withdrawn Prefers others. violet Withdrawn Prefers others. violet Withdrawn Prefers others. BIG love Withdrawn Prefers others. violet Withdrawn Prefers others. violet Withdrawn Prefers others. Water Lily Withdrawn Prefers others. heru Withdrawn Prefers others. heru Withdrawn Prefers others. SPARKcreative Withdrawn Prefers others. SPARKcreative Withdrawn Prefers others. Artshow Withdrawn Prefers others. Artshow Withdrawn Prefers others. Artshow Withdrawn Prefers others. Artshow 1 2 1 2 Next > Discussion PinotsPalette Client Hi everyone: We need a logo for our ART TASTING event, not a new Pinot's Palette logo. I thought that might be confusing. The ART TASTING is a fundraiser event we host every year and we need a new logo. Thanks! 13 years ago Rändi Logo Designer Company Name: Pinot's Palette that confuses people 13 years ago 2BCreative Logo Designer PinotPalettefrom what I read about your are asking people to BYOB (Bring their own Booze) to a Wine Tasting tasting event..seriously who would do that? Any Wine Tasting event I gone to I never had to bring my own wine.should it not be BYOP (bring you own paint)Please clarify, thank you 13 years ago PinotsPalette Client Hi Scott -You are correct. Our wine tasting event is a fundraiser featuring wine tastes, food tastes and interactive art exhibits. Our guests don't need to bring anything except themselves, friends and their tickets (or $30 at the door).Thanks!Mari 13 years ago