#30 - The new logo is good and we love the colors. After some internal discussion, we realize that the logo is to structured and needs to be brought to life somehow - any ideas?
Let's try coloring a "P" and "D" inside your grid... by that I mean coloring the entire left column Pink, along with the top row (First 3 boxes) and 2nd row (First 3 Boxes) to form a P. Then, coloring the inverse a different color (black or white, or any that works) to form the opposing D (lower case d). let's give that a try...
Also, #119 looks great, I love the font for "PINK" but we can maybe try something else for "Displays" - The top is very exciting, but the bottom is boring.
#178 is VERY CLOSE. Can we go full BLACK instead of the gray on this. Rich Pink and Rich Black, let's try that. Also, can you add a reflection to the wording at the bottom, similar to #119. #150 is also good, but the font is not working. Please either work with the font in #150, or adjust #178 to reflect the Black and reflective changes.
Is there any way we can communicate? I have some feedback I'd like to share with you in regards to #227 that I think would be very effective in finalizing this design... we are VERY close with this. A messenger perhaps or email, let me know, thank you!