I like these two new deisgns that you have brought to us. If you could make some adjustments for us that would be great.
#111 - Please remove the grey background as we will not be able to use the logo with this. The word "display" needs to be "displays". Can you also make "displays" a little larger, so we can see it a little bit more clearer. Possibly submit a couple different variations using different fonts. Possoibly a reflection at the bottom once the grey background is removed.
#112 - Please make the displays bigger as well and try some additional fonts.
These both look real sharp and are right on for what we are looking for.
These are along our favorites.... couple adjustments...
#111 - Please add the "S" to make it read "Displays" - and lets make "Displays" a bit more bold to standout.
#110 - Please also add the "S" - and make it match the font/boldness of #143. I like the font used for "PINK" in #110, and the font/bold used for "Displays" in #143... please combine those.
#162 - Can we go solid black on "Displays" - Get rid of the Gray please. Let's also play with a few fonts for "Pink." I really like the new Flame coming off the letter P, so let's keep that and play with the font for Pink and the rich black on Display... This is very close to being ranked 1st.
Is there any way we can communicate? I have some feedback I'd like to share with you in regards to #162 that I think would be very effective in finalizing this design... we are VERY close with this. A messenger perhaps or email, let me know, thank you!
One last thing - Can you please do #148 with the same font for "Pink" as you did in #202. If you can also somehow add that small fire or flare design to #148 on the letter P that would be great. We are trying to decide between #148 and #202, so I would like to see the same font for both, and we really like the font and design you have done for #202. Thanks