All different types of industries purchase from us. There might be some surf companies who buy from us but we do not specialize in that industry specifically.
I really like this concept (#176) and I would like to see what other idas you have! I like the abstract shapes and the colors work well together. I would also like to see if you have any ideas that would translate well if printed in solid white or solid black. Thanks for submitting!
I like these new variations but also do you have any other completely different concepts? I like the organic feeling of this, try to keep it in that direction.
Also, for #184, can I see what it would look like if instead of black in the center, if that part were green?
Ok, I am almost ready to pull the trigger on this... I still like # t307 now that "displays" is white... I also like how it translates really well into black & white and also the outlined version. Sorry to ask you to change it up again but can I see a few different shades of pink/green/blue combinations? I was trying to get away from that really blueish fuschia pink color, but I am not sure I will be able to. Maybe a slightly more bubblegum pink and blues and greens that go well with that? You're the designer, I'm sure you can come up with some good combos. But I do want to keep it to blue, pink & green. No yellow, orange, purple, red, etc.
Great. I'll get right on these variations. Even after the contest, I'm here for you. I want everyone I work with to be completely happy with their choice.
Ok, I am ready to do this. I just have one question. If I pick #307, can you give me the vector file with all of the related logos? That way I don't have to select the exact colors and also then I can have the black and white versions as well? Please let me know if this is ok with you!