The logo I created is a seal that would look great on your beverage labels, as well as on large things such as signage. It is a one-color logo that resembles an old fashioned branding emblem--an appropriate aesthetic for your name. The pine tree setting and the road both reflect your business and what you do.
Let me know if you would like to see any changes made, and I will be happy to oblige. Thanks for looking.
Like #4 could you make PB's larger than the rest of the logo and try just PB's in red. The pine trees could be larger and also the stars could be the state of Texas outline. Good work
Jake I like #16 but would like to have the road removed-filled in with trees, also lay PB's over the whole logo and fill the area with more trees, last thing the only red should be for PB's itself. Thank You
Here is a revised version, per your requests. Let me know if there is anything else you would like to see adjusted, and I will be happy to do so as soon as possible. Thanks!
Thanks for the additional feedback. Here is a newer version for you. I am not sure if I interpreted your comments correctly. So take a look, and let me know if this is what you meant as far as the PB's placement and the trees. Thanks again.
Jake you did everything correct, would you do #23 with no trees just so I can look. It seems a bit crowded but I still like the pine trees. Go figure! Thanks gain for your interest. Tim
Thanks again, we are very close to a decision. I have a couple suggestions #1 can you do away with the distressed look and #2 can you remove the apostrohe-S. My comments are refering to #23. Thanks Tim
Jake, #60 I really like, you still need to take the S out. I know I originally was looking for PB'S, I had quite a few people tell me to drop the apostrophe and the S. With that change you are back at # 1 with two of the three owners, and the other is about to give in. Thanks again,
Sorry for the delay; I had to go visit family last night on short notice. Here is the requested change for you. I will be around most of the day until the contest ends, just in case anything other changes arise. Thanks.
Added a couple more color options, just to see if anything other subtle touches appeal to you guys better. Also, here is a distressed version of the newer one, just in case you wanted to sometimes use it regular and sometimes use it distressed (depending on the things the logo will be going on).
Just checking in to see if there are any more changes or ideas you guys might like to see. Let me know if you think of anything else, and I should be able to get to it later this evening.