What We Do
Multimedia Company producing national podcasts, video streaming, on-camera training, and reel/audition video for professional actors.
Color Preferences
Orange (definitely like that this is a creative color)
Think more of a Mid-Century Modern Color Palette (MadMen inspired 1960's colors)
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Our production company and studio is out of our home which is a mid-century split level ranch built in 1960. We nicknamed it The Pineapple Ranch which inspired the name of the company. The house still has that impeccable 1960's MadMen style to it. So, we would like to play an idea of that up in the logo. I definitely see a pineapple as the main focal point in the logo. How we come up with the studio/entertainment aspect will be up to your creative ideas.
Think 1960's Hollywood.