Hi, will you please provide me with the same logo but with different colors of green and even black? It is a tad light in color. I like the line you added. This looks good. Thanks for your efforts.
Hi, we like your design, but we would like to see a different design of a tree; this one looks llike a shape of an egg. I like the line down the center of the logo.
Hi, thanks for redoing the logo. My husband thinks the tree looks too sparse; like train tracks, but I do like how it is not as egg-shaped. Thanks. Can you provide us with a different image of the tree? Thanks very much!
Hi, will you repost the logo that had the text that was shaded? Not too different colors/words, but it seems it was shaded. You pulled it too fast for me to see the differences. Thanks!
Thank you for reposting the other logo. I appreciate your patience with me; I have gone through so many logos my head is swimming, but your logo is our top choice. We like the modern look of the two different colors on the tree and circle of 101. I'm wondering if you could give me some options on the text; such as the lighter green in Pine View and Apartments in the darker green, or something you think would look good. I prefer to have the same color on the same line of text, not two different colors on the same line. The green has to be dark enough to show up in grayscale, as I don't always print everything in color.
Glad to help. If this is the design you go with, it's no problem for me to provide you versions where it's half and half color, and one solid color. I like to work with solid colors with a screen of the same value because then if you are only printing in green or black, you can still have the look of two tone by using a screen of the same color and not two different ones.
Just thought I'd ask before making script and color changes - is there a particular version you like best? I can work with that one and then do variations. Thanks!
May I see 101 with the text as I described in my earilier comment to you? I like logo 101; I;'m not sure what you mean by script changes. There was a design that had text that went from darker to lighter from another designer who has since withdrawn the logo, which we liked. As i wrote earlier, the lighter green needs to be darkened up a bit in order for it to show up in grayscale, it seems too light, but I do I like the two different color variations, font and design of logo 101. We don't care for the turquoise colored text in logo 141.
Okay, I think I know what you mean about the darker to lighter (darker at bottom, lighter at top). I'm going to do a variation of #101 that uses only shades of the same green but one side lighter value and one darker.