I like this concept. Try to replace the roman column, with a steel column, like an I beam with a flat plate on top. Also try to insert a bolted column splice connection, with a flat plate on top. http://www.steelconstruction.info/Simple_connections
Looking great, let's try the name in 3 rows, Pillar on top and large, Enterprises on second row and slightly smaller, and then LTD on third row, and smaller. A couple of the other entrants have this format. Also let's see the crescent shape in Blue. Thanks,
check #87 before I say sory , I cant do that you want for name in 3 rows, because somebody use first this , and I don ' t want to violate the rules designer code of conduct , so really sorry I can't do that I hope you understand for this situations
# 87 is nearly the winner however we really like the three row approach to the words. Several submittals have this type, just like several submittals are configured exactly the same as yours is. When the contest is over we will probably want one copy with the logo on top, and one with the lettering on the right side, could you put together a draft of these? If we can get this dialed in I am ready to end the contest early. Thanks,