This definitely makes me smile (a big smile), which is one thing I'm absolutely looking for. Feedback: I like the colors a lot. The lettering is very cool. Don't like the gray background on top and bottom. Prefer a logo that is more square shaped (instead of rectangle like this one) simply because it tends to be easier for auto fitting in things like social networks. Would be interested in seeing the pig slightly less fat :).
Thank you very much for the ranking and feedback. I'm glad you like him. And also am glad that you liked the typeface used. I felt that it fit to the illustration nicely. #12 here is a version a little more "square" and on a solid white background. I will try and put the little guy on a diet for you and see what he looks like. However, I do prefer my porkers a little on the "juicy" side… if you know what I mean ;-) - but we can see how he looks slimmed down. I also have a couple other illustrations and positions of him in mind and would like to upload those as well. I'll see what I can do later today. Thank you again and hope to stay up there in the top spot for you (and me… obviously)
Hhaah you're comment made me laugh (you like them on the "juicy" side). ;) Thank you for making those changes. I look forward to seeing your other ideas.
Some feedback I'm getting from other people that might be valuable to you: 1) It kinda looks like he's farting 2) Why is he moving fast? Is he zooming somewhere? 3) He doesn't look fat, it just looks like his feet are tucked under him. Maybe if you could see the feet, he wouldn't look fat.
Also, I'd love to see some logos (or that one) without the tag line. I'm not sure if I'll be using it or not at this point.
Thanks so much for your quick changes. Can't wait to see what else you create! Best, Cierra
Thanks Cierra - I like it with the "fart" more as well. We could leave "zippy" totally out if you want. But here (#29) it's below the fart cloud.
#21 ouch. But I see what you mean. I was having some trouble making him actually look like he is in mud. I think that you can see the idea better on a "muddy" background like #28
Thanks Dave. #28 is definitely more clear now. Cute idea. Would really love to see if there's a way to see the pigs feet in the back and/or to see him sitting. My original vision was to have a really happy looking piggy sitting and smiling with his lil' piggy tail sticking out from behind. I REALLY like your design ideas/look and feel! Thanks so much!
Hi! So glad to see one from you! I really like what you did with #26! Could you 1) take off the pink on the text and just keep it black like in #29 2) remove the little "hair pieces" above his head (I know it's soo tiny) 3) Can you try and take a stab at making him just a weee bit more happy-go-lucky (he looks just a little shy in this pic)...maybe a bigger smile? Just throwing out an idea because I think that's what is missing. 4) you TOTALLY nailed the sitting down position. that is AWESOME 5) I'd really like to see 1 other option of font (more bold and basic in either gray or black probably). I really like your font that you have. I'm just not 100% sure if I like it for this particular logo...can't decide and would really like to see an option.
THANKS SO Much for sending! I really like what you did!
oh - I was taking a look at these again and realized I think it would help to see the snout not quite as big. It looks slightly like one of those funny noses that you put on at carnivals (the kind that have plastic glasses attached and the big nose). :) It's not that bad by any means, but it's something that keeps standing out when I see it. Thanks, cierra
Here are some versions for you Cierra. I made him a little happier and shaved his head, plus added some font variations for you. I had also made the nose slightly smaller, but I don't think that we should do it any smaller than this here… it just doesn't look right.
Can I see #126 without the pink font added to the black font like you did in #155. Also, I'd like to see #126 with the new eyes from #155. Please don't delete yet, as I'm just not sure which one is best. Trying to see variations.
If you're able to change that nose a bit, please try to provide 2 versions (one like #126 and one like #155 in regards to the fonts, pig eyes, and pig hair). Again, not sure which one I like most.
I hope you can get it in before the 2 hrs!!! We are soo darn close to what I'm looking for.
Also, I'm not a fan of the new font designs (#156 #157 #158). Really looking for more bold/professional looking. Apparently I can't compare other designers designs in my communication (says the instructions for logo tournament), so hopefully it's okay to hint. If you see my rankings, hopefully this will make sense because that's what I'm going for in fonts. I'm not SET on this - I actually still really like your original font in #126, but really needed to see the bold as it does look more more professional.
Hi Cierra, thank you for your feedback. I think that I have a pretty good idea now of what you are looking for. However I won't be able to do the changes for you until later. - but no worries, as long as I stay in one of the top 5 spots during judging mode, I will still be able to submit changes. So I'll upload something for you later.
Okay Cierra… uploaded. I went in added a different shaped nose. I think that the shape was the problem. A more rounder shape makes it look a little more "pigish" and less goofy nose with the glasses thingy.